I am a Mexican Lebanese American artist driven to tell innovative feminine stories in film, tv, fashion + print //

—Adrianna David, Miss Maryland 2018 + MISS MARYLAND USA® 2017

Adrianna Christine David is an American actor, model, host, and digital creator (with Mexican + Lebanese roots) in New York City. She is also available for communication services through her coaching business, #ACDcoaching.

Adrianna is both agency represented and available as a local hire in all major markets across the USA. She is most known for her commercial and print work, boasting clients such as Best Buy, BiC, BLACK+DECKER, Brookfield, Chevrolet, Dunkin’, GNC, hers Rx, Omni Hotels & Resorts, Toys“R”Us, and more. In fashion, some of Adrianna’s clients include Aerie, BCBG, Bloomingdale’s, GAP, Macy’s, NAUTICA, Nordstrom, and Victoria’s Secret, and in beauty, CHI Haircare, Herbal Essences, Keys Soulcare, Panasonic, Ulta Beauty, and StriVectin.

Theatrically, Adrianna plays the sophisticated upscale know-it-all or the gritty street smart millennial from The Block. She’s racked up several supporting roles on film, and six credits as Guest Stars and Co-stars in television on networks including BET, CBS, HBO, Netflix and TV One. Her ultimate goals are to lead roles in the young audience space (think Disney Princess or Sci-Fi Hero) and produce the next best non-animated G + PG-rated movies.

Adrianna is a graduate from the University of Maryland with two degrees: B.A. in Theatre, with focuses in Theatre Performance + Scenic Painting, and B.A. in Communication Studies, with focuses in Public Relations + Media Broadcasting.

Alongside her mother, Adrianna co-founded Charities Angels Inc and, with her father, is a national spokesperson for UCSF's The Kidney Project. Together, they are known for their dedication to raising awareness + funds for a bioartificial kidney to replace dialysis, and enhancing the quality of life for all kidney failure victims, in honor of Adrianna’s cousin, Juliana.

Lastly, Adrianna is the only woman in the state of Maryland history to hold both titles of Miss Maryland [2018] and MISS MARYLAND USA® [2017] for back-to-back terms.

For more information, please email adriannacdavid(at)aol(dot)com, or follow Adrianna by clicking the icons below //


work with adrianna

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model book

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actor headshots

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coaching services

competing for a pageant? breaking into the industry? social media needs branding? stretching is important?



@adriannacdavid //

People are often unreasonable and self-centered. FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. BE KIND ANYWAY.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. BE HONEST ANYWAY.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. BE HAPPY ANYWAY.
The good you do may be forgotten tomorrow. DO GOOD ANYWAY.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough. GIVE YOUR BEST ANYWAY.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. IT NEVER WAS BETWEEN YOU AND THEM ANYWAY.
— Mother Theresa